Early start for me again this morning but not to work, off to the nature hides at Thornley and FarPastures. What a morning, I couldn't believe my luck. First at Far Pastures, the heron flew past, circled round, then landed on a pole in the pond. Then the fox got upfrom amogst the reeds and grass, he must have been asleep, shook himself and then went to wander off, he turned round, looked at me then went. I then decided to travel onto Thornley woods. Nothing much happening for at least an hour, then the wardens came to feed the birds. After they went it was a hive of activity, yellowhammers, bullfinch, jays, woodpigeons, rabbits, and then the most important thing....... I saw something in the corner of my eye and turned round. There was this deer coming from behind the holly bush. He walked slowly, eating leaves as he walked by and just meandered across to the other side of the woods. He was there for at least 5 minutes. I couldn't believe how lucky I was.
It was really your lucky morning, Carol! Very nice shots, very nice!
my 1st reactions were...
i chuckled at the little bird with your caption... so cute
the deer are nice... love the 2nd one with the reflection and...
WOW... the blue heron is quite the photo... i thought the 1st was great but the 2nd one is even better... the color is so vibrant...
and the little shy fox is adorable.. it certainly was your lucky day and i'm so glad because i get to enjoy these beautiful photos....
thankyou... i enjoyed very much!
Thank you Sue and Carol. I had a really nice day.
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