21 July 2010

20 July 2010

18 July 2010


17 July 2010

Leyburn Wartime Weekend

These were taken at Leyburn Wartime Weekend. The guy holding the baby with the gas mask on was telling us about how it worked and things that happened with these masks. I got very emotional when he told me about someone in the war that had their baby in one of these masks. You had to pump in air with ventiallator pump on the side. One day a woman had put the baby in the mask and as she was putting her own mask on she had fell and hit her head on something, knocking herself out. When she came too, she found her baby had suffocated in the mask. So sad, so shocking, makes you think what people went through those days. Makes you think about the war too.

16 July 2010

Another sunset

I was at my computer last night and looked out the window briefly to see this sight. I couldnt believe what I was seing as earlier there was no hint it was gonna be like thta. I ran in the car as I knew it was fading fast and drove down the road to take another photo. Then passed McDonalds and couldn't rsist a photo with it's sign shining in the sunset. LOL And no I didn't go for a burger :-)

11 July 2010


9 July 2010


We've had some really nice sunsets these past few days. Unfortunately I couldn't get out to take a photo. Tonight although I didn't hold much hope as the day had been dull and dreary, decided to go out by the reservoir to see if the sunset would be nice. 9:00pm came and I got chased out of the reservoir carpark as it was closing; so I drove round looking at the sky thinking it wasn't going to be very good. The sun went down adn the sky was slightly red but very disapointing. I thought that was it and set off for home. A few mnutes later i looked in my wing mirror and behind the sky was ablaze. I stopped the car and took this picture.

8 July 2010


7 July 2010


4 July 2010

3 July 2010