I'm fit to burst and have the biggest smile possible on my face. I had some great news today but, sorry cannot tell you all yet. Saturday all will be revealed. LOL
Looking through my lens
Currently, single people in the UK are discouraged from taking jobs involving less than 30 hours per week, due to no Working Tax Credits being payable below 30 hours.
Working Tax Credits should be available to anyone who chooses to work (no matter how many hours), in preference to living on Jobseekers allowance of £64.30 pw.
If the Government wants to see less people on benefits then why don't they encourage more people to take lower paid /less hours work and upgrade their wages with WTC like those who are married with dependant children. I feel like this is discrimination.
It's funny how alcoholics and drug abusers get more money because of their habit (so I am led to believe) yet single people who want to work but can't work full time maybe because of their age or health reasons get penalised. They are forced to work over 30 hours to get tax credits or they are forced to stay on benefits til they are kicked off.
Below is a link to a petition to Parliament asking the government to change their policy. Anyone who reads this and wishes to sign please do so.
Sign hereThank you.