26 July 2009

black & white

Sycamore Gap, Hadrians Wall

Steel Rigg, Hadrians Wall

25 July 2009

Sycamore Gap

Sycamore Gap on HadrianĀ“s Wall, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nothumberland was the location for scene in the film Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

22 July 2009

River flow

21 July 2009


Taken near sunset at Tow Law windfarm about 5 miles up the road from me.

20 July 2009

Just a couple of pics I took on a drive in the country on Sunday. I forgot to take off my macro lens on the camera after taking some still life images (that turned out badly I may add) and then went for a drive in the countryside. I didn't have my camera bag with all my lenses in so I had to take these images with my macro lens. LOL I'm such a fool.

19 July 2009

A bit of fun

Just a bit of fun. Thanks to a fellow blogger, i found this site that uses face recognition and put your image onto another background. It's so funnny. Cheered my day up today..LOL

Lobster Pots & boats

13 July 2009

Northumberland Coast


Warkworth beach

Learning to surf at Boulmer


All taken along the Northumberland Coastal route.

12 July 2009

The Gill Bridge

Spoke to an old gentleman today when I was taking this picture. He told me that this bridge was a listed building and it couldn't be demolished or altered in any way. He said it is one of only 2 bridges in the world that were constructed in this manner and then went on to tell me all the technical details which unfortunately I have forgotten.

Fields of Gold

6 July 2009


Azure Damselfly

Apparently this too is an Azure Damselfly but newly hatched and hasn't developed it's azure blue colouring yet.

4 July 2009


Took this today at my friend's daughters house. Ellie is her Golden Retriever and she's just over a year old and is a big softie. She's a beautiful dog,very friendly and Nicola adores her.

3 July 2009


2 July 2009
